One platform that has led to a ton of new leads and business for our real estate marketing firm is Facebook pages. As you probably know, Facebook is one of the top most visited websites around the world, and it has become a central hub for networking with clients and other professionals.However, it is important to keep in mind that most people using it are doing so at their own leisure, and typically aren’t looking for a product or service to buy. Therefore, there are certain key strategies that you must follow in order to grab a prospect’s attention and capture their contact information for future follow-up.When using Facebook as a part of your real estate marketing plan, it is important to create a page that provides basic information on who you are, what you provide, and how people can access your free content in the least amount of steps possible.Unfortunately, many agents and brokers will slap together a page, and include 4 or 5 different tabs of offers or IDX property search functionality to the point of complete distraction. Instead, it is crucial that your landing page provides a very enticing and clear-cut offer that people can access instantly.Typically, you will want to have visitors “like” your page first in order to obtain your “something of value.” This could be a weekly list of foreclosure properties, updated weekly search results, a free report on improving credit, etc. In addition, some people also prefer to include some type of email lead capture form so that they can obtain contact information right off the bat.Although the latter real estate marketing strategy may produce some higher quality leads, chances are that you will have less people opt in if you decide to implement this tactic as well. Plus, once somebody “likes” your page, you will then have them in your database for future contact anyways, so this may not be necessary.Here’s how this concept works. One thing that we recommend for real estate professionals to do is include an RSS feed from their main blog that uploads new material anytime an update is made. By doing so, this information will post to your page’s wall and users will be updated within their news feeds.In turn, this will direct prospects back to your main real estate marketing blog where you can start to build a relationship and offer other pieces of free content. Within that content or sidebar offer, you will then be able to include links or opt in forms to capture their information after trust and rapport have been established.Additionally, please remember that many people are not ready to buy or sell right now. So many business opportunities can be lost by trying to go after the hottest leads only. Though these should certainly be given priority, there is a lot of money left on the table if you decide to neglect those who will contact you 6 months, 1 year, or even more down the road.Therefore, learn the art of providing high quality and long-term value to each person that visits your Facebook page and you will begin to realize a drastic increase in your traffic and conversions for your real estate marketing efforts.
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